Jul 8, 2011

Thou pox-addled wretch!

The nurse said this could happen.

Two days ago, we took babygirl in for her 12-month vaccinations. Three jabs in the shoulders later, all was well. She's had a mild fever and needed some night-time cuddles she wouldn't usually need, but nothing serious.

This morning, she woke up with a breakout of what looks like chickenpox on her face.

Uh-oh, time to double-check the info sheet. Hmmm, let's see...

"Fever, and/or a rash can occur 4–12 days after getting the vaccine. The rash can be a blotchy red rash(measles-like) and/or spots that look like blisters (chickenpox)."

OK, so it's fairly normal. And it's not the full-blown variety. Nevertheless, even this type can be contagious, so our little inpatient will likely be confined to the house for the weekend.

On the other hand, there is a little part of me that wants to parade her around the grocery store, just to watch the other parents scramble and scurry to keep their kids away.

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