Mar 9, 2011

Clickety-click... baby trick!

Having conquered crawling, babygirl is rapidly expanding her motor-control repertoire. Here are three recent feats—not quite enough to merit full-fledged baby skill status, but worth noting for their exceptional cuteness.

  1. You say goodbye, I say hello: She may not be marrying Prince William, but she has the royal wave down pat. (The hand is in handshake position rather than "put your hand up" position.) She did it for the first time last weekend; now she pretty much does it on command, not to mention almost every time I say hello to her. Everyone's been trying to get her to blow kisses, so that's probably next.
  2. Clap on, clap off: She's been able to pat her hands together for weeks, but now that the applause is audible, it's official. Lately, she looks as though she's trying to snap her fingers. If she pulls that off, I'm going to teach her to juggle.
  3. Peek-a-boo! This one blows me away every time. When I put her down for nap time during the day, she'll often pull her blanket up over her face with both hands, wait three or four seconds, then yank it down quickly in the classic peek-a-boo motion, revealing a big two-toothed grin! She's usually good for five or six repetitions before she gets sleepy and Daddy tucks her in.

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